Fees FAQs
Insurance & Chiropractic Care
Your benefits under your insurance plan for Chiropractic Care may not cover all of your visits to our office. You are held financially responsible for any co-payments, co-insurance, deductibles or denials from your insurance company. Services exceeding benefit limits or considered maintenance or preventative are not reimbursable by your plan. You are financially responsible for all non-covered services as defined by your health plan contract.
Horizon Family Chiropractic will contact your insurance company for a quote of benefits as a courtesy, however Horizon Family Chiropractic is not responsible for a misquote provided by your health insurance carrier.
Patients are responsible for understanding their healthcare policy benefits and limitations. We strongly encourage you to call your medical insurance carrier for a quote of benefits for Chiropractic Care.
Posted below are total fees for our services excluding insurance deductions. We will discuss your treatment plan before moving on with any services. Your personal treatment plan may be composed of one or more of the following services:
Exam(s) (MEDICARE/MEDICARE Replacement) $50-$105
Maintenance Care Spinal Adjustments (Including visits exceeding insurance limits) $50
Extra-Spinal Adjustments (shoulder, knee, wrist, elbow, etc) $29
Durable Medical Equipment (braces, orthotics, ice pack, etc) Varies per product
Graston/Laser Treatment $35
Nutritional Consultation $50
Crainosacral Therapy $35
Kinesotaping $35
Infrared Sauna Therapy $40 additional packages available
HaloTherapy $40 additional packages available
*same day payment or package discounts may apply
**Wellness and student plans available. Contact the office for prices.**
View our Financial Disclosure Form Here:
It is our goal to provide the maximum level in Chiropractic Care and to open the door to a new life of health and vitality for all of our patients!